Monday, February 22, 2010

Testing the sensors via serial communication.

Before using the Ethernet board I've done some test with the digital sensors and the 1-wire bus. In order to do that, I've attached the 1-wire bus in normal mode (3 cables, no parasite power) to the pin number seven of the Freeduino board and I've loaded the example program from the one-wire library's web page. Great success, fast and clean ;-)

Example program detects five sensors attached to the one-wire bus.


Anonymous said...


I am doing a very similar thing for my house, wondering how you have gotten on since February?

Have you had luck with the ethernet side of things?

roboblogger said...

Well, I was a bit crazy because the first ethernet shield was broken but I was lucky and I got a second one (sent twice by mistake) which works perfectly. The ethernet communication works fine and I can see the readings at my browser.

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